Thursday 24 November 2016

Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It's taken me way too long to actually sit down and write this review, either for lack of motivation or lack of interest in the book itself, so I apologize in advance if it reads a bit disjointed as I work through the few things that I still remember from finishing it last month!

Growing up, Beauty and the Beast was one of my all-time favorite Disney movies and since ACOTAR is definitely written as a pro-Disney version of the classic tale (albeit with steamy sexy times throughout) I figured that this fact coupled with the dazzling Sarah J. Maas would make for a potentially great combination.

Not so much.

I was not at all 'dazzled' by Maas' writing this time around like I have been while reading her Throne of Glass series. Granted if history repeats itself, which certainly it does, this may just turn out to be me eating my words once again because I greatly disliked Throne of Glass but absolutely adored the following books in the series! That being said, the next book really would have to blow my mind to make me want to continue reading on about Feyre, Tamlin, and Rhysand because at this point I'm not into it (I WOULD read on about sassy Lucien however, he's the only good thing going!).

Actually, as I write this I'm remembering a thought I had while reading ACOTAR that overall the story, specifically certain incidents and scenes that shall remain in mystery to avoid spoilers all feels SO much like the Twilight series to me that once I made the connection in my head I couldn't let it go. I'm sorry, but I have to go there people! For those of you who have read know what I'm talking about, come on, you do! The whole ending with Feyre and her constant whining and crying throughout and always putting herself down for being 'ignorant' and 'only a dumb human'...not to mention that it is...kind of boring. Nothing really happens for the entire first half of the book! Save for an excellently written first chapter (I was instantly hooked, so ominous!), the rest of the story falls flat for me. I couldn't grow to care for any of the characters, and the baddies are nothing special or unique. Both of Feyre's 'punishments' or bargains aren't as absolutely, life-endingly dreadful as she makes them out to be, and without a good cliff-hanger to make me even the slightest bit curious for the next book it's unlikely that I'll pick it up.

Sorry, I just couldn't drink the Kool-Aid this time, Maas.

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