
I'm an English Literature Grad who just can't seem to get enough books in my life.

Ever since I was a young girl I've always been "bookish," loving not only the stories contained within the pages of books but also the feel, smell, and look of books in general! Just try to get me past a bookstore without going inside for a peek! I relish in quiet, cozy evenings spent at home with a book in hand, blankets around me, tea, and perhaps a candle or two. 

On this blog you can expect to find book reviews, bookish musings, as well as my own personal writings on various subjects from time to time - I love not only reading beautiful writing and stories but also (attempting to) create my own. 

All book reviews and writing are of my own creation and my own opinion. I will always be honest in my reviews, but never damaging or scathing (unless it is truly a horrendous piece of work, in which case, I must be honest!). I love the back and forth of discussion centred around books, new ideas, plot twists, characters-we-love-to-hate, and up-and-coming authors whose work simply can't go unnoticed. I read mostly Fantasy and Young Adult, but I also enjoy Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Speculative, and Non-Fiction (such as memoirs, cookbooks, etc). 

To contact me: abookishoccasion[@]

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