Thursday 29 December 2016

Review: Perfect tree shapes

Perfect tree shapes Perfect tree shapes by Fran Meneses
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, let's try to keep the fangirling to a minimum here, Chels.

Fran is a Chilean Freelance Illustrator living in England with her husband Ed, and their two amazing cats, Hamburguesa and Cereal. She owns an Etsy shop under the name Frannerd and also makes Youtube videos/vlogs about her life as a freelance illustrator, offering tutorials on different techniques used as well as reviews of art supplies, thoughts on the industry, tips for fellow artists, as well as her own hilarious fangirling over all things to do with stationary, graphic novels, Sailor Moon, and other general awesomeness. I have been following her for a couple years now and I genuinely love her. Maybe it's creepy to say this, but I think we could be friends in real life - my boyfriend has also said he could picture us getting along so maybe I'm not so creepy after all...but I digress....

She is an inspiration, to say the least; her artwork and illustrations are brilliant and the way she truly works her hiney off in such a cut-throat industry is admirable. I'm so happy to see her finally getting the recognition she deserves and this little travel journal that she has designed, illustrated, and produced completely on her own (yes, she printed and bound each and every one of the copies sold herself), is just amazing to me.

The illustrations are incredibly cute and quirky with thoughtful detail - her signature style has an almost child-like whimsy and it comes through in each page as she takes us along with her and her friend Monse during their trip to Paris and London in 2014. Fran recounts with both honesty and humour the trials and triumphs of travelling with your best friend in cities not so familiar to either of you - everything from getting lost, to getting hangry, to getting choked-up over brilliant sunsets in a city as beautiful as Paris. In between the main story, Fran also offers helpful tips on where to go and what to see, such as museums and popular attractions, complete with cutely drawn maps, as well as delicious places to eat in each iconic city.

Overall, it reads very much like an actual journal, offering the same intimate feel as a diary as Fran also reflects here and there on her life living abroad thus far and the difficulty of missing her family and friends back in Chile. She describes the tough decisions that she and Ed have had to make in order to afford to stay in Germany (where they were living at the time of her writing) and wonders whether they had made the right decision in following their dreams to live in Europe. Each illustration that accompanies the text is so thoughtful, so sweet, and I absolutely loved getting an intimate glimpse into their lives through this little graphic travel journal.

I truly encourage you to check out her artwork, videos, and her Etsy shop, and of course this travel journal as well!

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Review: Quotable Wilde

Quotable Wilde Quotable Wilde by Max Morris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This guy...he gets it. Every time. What else can I say?

Well I WILL say that although I've not always enjoyed actually reading his plays/novels, having only done so for school and not for my own personal pleasure, I've always really enjoyed the movie adaptations and reading his personal essays/letters. I find his general views on life to be pretty hilarious and usually spot on- his super sassy, super intelligent way of spinning phrases around to make it seem like he's paying you a compliment when really he's making fun of you/society just kills me every time. That man would have been a riot to know in real life, and if I could go back in time, or meet someone from the past, he'd be right near the top of my list of people I'd pick! Heck, I like his quotes so dang much I've even used one as the banner on my blog - total fangirl right here.

A few witty examples of the genius that is Mr. Wilde:

"It is always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is absolutely fatal"

"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best."

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train."

"There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community."

"The people who love only once in their lives are really the shallow people. What they call their love, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination."

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

But then he can also be all soppy and serious:

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."

"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

Awwww Oscar!!

Anywho, you get the picture. I liked this 'lil collection of quotes and I've actually gone back a few times throughout the year to re-read some of my faves - a little chuckle here and there to brighten my day. The only thing I'd say about the book itself is that it would have been a nice touch to have added a small blurb about him somewhere, just so an audience who may not know much or anything at all about Wilde would at least have a few facts about his life to go on. Other than that, it's a cute little purple book of fun that I'm happy to own.

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Friday 25 November 2016

Review: The Demon in the Wood

The Demon in the Wood The Demon in the Wood by Leigh Bardugo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"He didn't move. He sat and watched as her eyes went glassy, as her hand dropped away, as at last she slumped backward, her empty gaze fastened on the moon."

Oh. My. Goodness.

This story is way too short. As in, I need more Darkling right meow please.

I would definitely read an entire book dedicated to him; the Darkling is one of my favourite characters from The Grisha Trilogy, even if he is one of the baddies. He's one of those villains-we-love-to-love you know? His actions are morally inexcusable, yes, but man just by reading this prequel I've been transported right back into all the crazyness of this world and I remember (again) why this is one of my favourite series of all time (and he one of my favourite bad guys of all time). Despite its short length, we've certainly been given a lot of information about the Darkling and his upbringing, and as such we get a much more rounded picture of why the Darkling is so troubled.

We meet his mother, who is an incredibly powerful Grisha in her own right and obviously the main source for the Darkling's similar prideful and power-hungry ways in his later years. Not only that, but we get to experience a bit of what it was like for such powerful Grisha like he and his mother to actually live amongst regular people at the time - a.k.a, they don't. Always on the run, always in hiding, always fearing for their lives and having to rely on each other and their wits to survive...what an existence. Not to mention that I'd forgotten (again!) just how gory and detailed Bardugo writes her violent scenes - let me just say they had me squirming!

Definitely check out this short prequel if you at all enjoyed the Grisha Trilogy! This made me want to re-read them all over again.

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Thursday 24 November 2016

The First Frosty Walk of the Year ~ A Hygge Morning

When I looked outside my window this morning I was overjoyed to see that the world had been transformed into a frosty, winter-wonderland while I slept. Nothing excites me or inspires me more than a fresh, crisp, nippy morning walk - and so I did just that. After checking to see the temperature outside (a whopping -9 degrees!) I dressed in as many layers as I could fit under my coat, donned my toque and gloves, and set off. That first breath of fresh, cold morning air is one of my very favourite things to experience, and I try to get outside as much as possible to do so, even in the dead of Winter.

As I set off down the road, admiring how much more festive the decorated houses look in preparation for Christmas with a layer of frost and snow, I couldn't help but smile giddily and I may or may not have even skipped a few steps from excitement. The sun was shining softly, still low in the sky and just barely breaking over the horizon. Sparrows, magpies and little wee ones that remind me of chickadees fluttered about, chirping and tweeting, moving swiftly to stay warm and forage. The ground sparkled and the frozen leaves and last few flowers glittered. It was quiet, save for the birds and my crunching footsteps (and maybe a squeal or two from me - it was all just so beautiful! I could barely contain myself!).

My breath visible upon the air, I kept a brisk pace and settled into my thoughts. I enjoy this part of my morning walks so much - the solitude that comes with walking alone and having the space and fresh air to reflect and savour days past, as well as the days present. When I run, I have music, but when I walk, I need no distraction or extra noise - I like to keep it au naturel if you will (see what I did there?). It's incredibly refreshing and uplifting, and I find that I have some of my most 'eureka' moments when I'm on my walks. My eyes are open and searching the landscape around me, finding visual inspiration in every leaf, every flower, and every rustle of wind or scurry of animal. My ears tune in to the minutest of movements in the bushes, to the songs of the birds in the trees, to the rushing of water in a river nearby. My senses are heightened while out and about in Nature, yet my mind is at ease, completely relaxed and soaking up every delicious moment. This is perhaps why it is so easy to find a meditative state while walking, not just for me but for many, many others. 

There are countless artists, authors, and other scholarly folk who have sworn by taking a daily jaunt to exercise not only the body but the mind. One of my most-loved and favourite 19th century poets/writers is William Wordsworth, who rejoiced in being out in Nature and found an incredible amount of inspiration from walking meditatively outdoors, not only for his poetry but for his peace of mind. He wrote often of Nature and the solace one could find while in it, and taking long, leisurely hikes around the countryside was to him his own form of religion. Charles Dickens is another, as well as Henry David Thoreau, and Ludwig van Beethoven. There are innumerable examples across all generations, including scientists and mathematicians as well, but the overall point is that we can benefit immensely from momentarily removing ourselves from our (increasingly) busy lives to take solace in a daily walkabout. 

Walking clears the mind from all the clutter that clogs our brains throughout the day, bogging us down and eventually making us feel truly uninspired and listless. It opens the mind to what is happening around us in the immediate present, without distraction or outside demands calling to our attention. Walking brings us closer to ourselves in that we have the time to ponder over things that are going on in our lives, to reflect upon the day at present, and to dream up plans for the future. Unlike forceful exercise, the kind that we do as well to stay 'in shape' and healthy and which is also important for our bodies and minds, to me walking is something a little more indulgent - an act that we choose to do for the sake of the act itself, not because we are trying to get somewhere or trying to achieve a certain bodily aesthetic. Walking asks nothing of us except to be, as we are, with no expectations and no tangible outcome - except of course the peace of mind that one will naturally feel after a good, frosty-morning amble!

As I walked towards the park, I couldn't help but stop a zillion times to take photos of every frozen, sparkly thing I saw. There's just something about the way the frost curls itself around a solitary leaf or a cluster of wild berries that makes my heart sing and my eyes light up with child-like delight (honestly, I've been told that my excitement for a pretty flower or a sunset or a tree full of orange and golden leaves is comparable to that of an honest-to-goodness child on Christmas morning). Sometimes the beauty around me is just so overwhelming that I can't help but swoon and squeal and spend five minutes attempting to somehow capture with my camera exactly how I see it - whether it's so I can look back on the moment another day or because I just don't want to forget how beautiful that moment really was, I don't know exactly, but I always try to capture it. Much like an artist might sketch a scene they're witnessing or a musician might jot down a few words or notes when they come to them, I feel compelled deep in my bones to somehow honour the moment by taking a photo. It's all a part of the walking experience, and it all leads to the greater enjoyment of the world around me.

After my fingers were nearly frozen themselves, just about matching those frosty branches I was taking pictures of, I decided it was time to make my way back home - to cozy sweaters, warm woollen socks, tea, and my favourite books. With rosy cheeks and a sniffly nose, I felt refreshed, energized, and an easy calm. It may sound a little silly, but I feel like a lot of our smaller problems in life can be solved quite nicely by a good, long walk followed by a hot cuppa.

Here's to Winter, and to new beginnings!

Review: How to Hygge

How to HyggeHow to Hygge by Signe Johansen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars!

This is a lovely cookbook/lifestyle guide on how to live the 'Scandinavian' way, complete with loads of beautiful photos, stories, recipes, and snappy lists at the end of each chapter to really sum up each concept. Scandinavia is all the rage these days, slowly replacing très chic France and the Mediterranean as the new-best-way-to-live-long-and-be-happy. As a self-professed 'Scandophile' I was super excited to delve into this book to learn just how exactly one may bring more hygge, or 'cosiness' into one's life. Though of course, much like the Dutch gezellig, trying to attain hygge almost defeats the point of it entirely, and it really is an overall feeling than an actual event or a 'thing' to accomplish. Want a less convoluted explanation than what I just gave you? Read this book! Need more explanation/inspiration on living hygge after reading this book? Read The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country, one that I enjoyed immensely and which also satisfied my Scandi-cravings.

I recommend reading this in actual book form if you can - I read it on my Kindle and although I could see the photos, I can only imagine how gorgeous they'd be in colour and in print. The recipes sound scrumptious and mostly pretty easy to prepare, while the lifestyle and home decor suggestions highlight both the practical and laid back approach one can only expect from some of the coolest (in my humble opinion) countries in the world.

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Review: Bloom: navigating Life and Style

Bloom: navigating life and styleBloom: navigating life and style by Estée Lalonde
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I've been following Estée for years on YouTube (back when she was still called Essie Button!) though mostly her vlog channel over her main channel as I'm not incredibly interested in beauty and fashion, but even still, I'll watch just about anything she posts because I just love her personality so so much. She is a genuinely kind person as well as hilarious, awkward, and self-deprecating, all things I love in a human and can totally relate to myself. I would seriously love to be her friend in real life (doesn't everybody??) so of course when I found out that she was writing a book I had to pre-order it, and I'm so glad I did!

First of all, the book is aesthetically beautiful, with it's pastel colour scheme and that gorgeous cover photo! It's full of photos from her personal life that correspond to the content of each of the eight chapters - everything from beauty and fashion to food, home decor, travel, life, work, and my personal favourite, "People," specifically her relationship with her boyfriend Aslan. The letter he wrote to her is super sweet and you can just tell that they have an incredibly strong bond and love for each other. She writes about the people in her life with both honesty and pure love and admiration - you can tell that she is genuinely inspired by the special people in her life. I also really enjoyed the 'letters' that she wrote to specific people in her life, like her brother and childhood best friend. These sweet touches add to the overall appeal of the book and make it feel that much more personal and heartfelt - quite a lot like watching one of her many, many YouTube videos, which are always a joy to me.

Estée also spends some time talking about the more difficult moments in her life, for example her strained relationship with her father, growing up as more of an outcast among her peers, and her own battle with depression and anxiety later in life. These stories are not particularly heavy nor do they bring the overall feeling of the book down, rather they add to its depth and make for a more rounded look into her life and who she is as a person. Everyone has gone through hard moments in their life and I feel like these stories are great for younger people, perhaps pre-teens and teenagers, who are experiencing those awkward and trying moments firsthand. It's comforting to see where she was in life and where she is now, and definitely easy to relate to for me.

Estée has put a lot of effort and love into her work outside of this book, building her career from the ground up while never compromising on her own personal style, and in saying that it's clear that this book is a labour of love as well. As someone who has gone through many similar ups and downs in my own life, Estée is an inspiration to me, and in watching her own life unfold on screen I strive to be as genuine, kind, and determined in my own life as well. She definitely lives a charmed life now, but she's worked for it, and I admire her gumption.

I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars because although I absolutely love her and her message (and again the book is just so dang BEAUTIFUL), I had expected a bit more as far as content goes. I would have liked more of the actual writing, more about her stance on gender equality and feminism and more stories from her life; though then again I may have just expected the wrong thing out of the book overall. I also can't ignore that she is much better on camera than as a writer, so for that reason alone I just can't give this book a higher rating. That said, it's a lovely 'coffee table' book and one I know I'll return to when I need a little pick-me-up or inspiration. I will continue to support her and I'm excited to see where she'll take her career next.

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Review: The Miniaturist

The MiniaturistThe Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a beautifully written and highly imaginative story that reads so easily I continuously lost track of time whenever I picked it up. I truly could not get this one out of my head - the characters alone are captivating, mysterious, and almost frustratingly elusive. For the book's entirety I was spell-bound not only by the unexplainable magic of Nella's cabinet-house and life-like dolls but also by the human characters and their constant presence, lurking in the passageways and shadows just beyond our reach, guarding their many secrets, indulgences, and guilty pleasures.

Heart-wrenching and sensitive, dark and mysterious, I loved getting to know the few characters throughout this story whose lives centred almost entirely around the cultivating and maintaining of each others most precious secrets. Fear of the Church, of the Burgermasters, and of themselves, I felt that Jessie Burton did a wonderful job of keeping us just beyond grasping what made these characters tick - many remained a complete mystery up to the very end.

Having lived in Amsterdam myself for almost a year at the time of reading this, it was as if I was rediscovering the city all over again through Nella's 17th-century eyes, strolling familiar streets whose existence remain today. Although drastically different now than the Amsterdam of long ago, Burton's incredible historical accuracy throughout shed so much light on the Dutch's idiosyncrasies and often times frustrating hypocrisies that I felt comforted and armed with a new knowledge of the complicated, sordid past of my new home.

My only reservations would be with how the story ended. Without giving anything away, I would have loved to come away from this story with more closure for certain characters, more answers, and more about the Miniaturist!

Although I would guess that this was exactly Burton's aim. The story began in mystery and shadow, and so it ends in mystery and shadow.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves historical fiction - bonus if you love a good mystery as well as some elements of magic / fantasy.

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Review: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Mindy Kaling has convinced me to be her best friend.

I'm ashamed to admit that back in the day when the (American) television show The Office was at its height and I called myself a fan, I was also completely unaware that Kaling had any claim to the show other than her character Kelly Kapoor. I know, I know, I'm a bit of a space-cadet sometimes and apparently failed to notice her name in the writing and producing credits the countless times that it appeared. When her new show The Mindy Project came out I decided to give it a try, having by now realized her contributions to The Office, and assumed it'd be equally gut-bustingly hilarious and witty. Alas, I was both disappointed and let down. Maybe I didn't watch enough episodes to really get into it, maybe I just didn't 'get' what the show was trying to do; either way, it was not Mindy's and my time. So Mindy and I took a break - we just 'weren't that into each other.'

Now all of that has changed. Reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?... is like reading my diary from high school. In fact the title of the book itself sums up my entire high school experience. I am more than sure that I said those exact words at least once between the ages of 14 and 18. Mindy gets it. She gets what it's like to be 16, 21, 25, and still feel like everyone is hanging out without you. But instead of playing the victim card, Mindy tells us that it's okay to be the odd one in a sea of conformists, to be the quiet one, the shy one:

"I just want ambitious teenagers to know it is totally fine to be quiet, observant kids. Besides being a delight to your parents, you will find you have plenty of time later to catch up."

MAN if I had had someone to tell me this when I was a teenager! Well to be honest I probably wouldn't have listened to them anyway being a teenager and all, but still! It's the sentiment that counts! It's kind of funny (or sad) that now, after almost 10 years since I graduated, I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that high school sucked and that is a-okay! I have noticed a bit of a trend in memoirs released by female comedians (Amy Poehler and Tina Fey to name two of my favs) in which they recount embarrassing, awkward, and yet totally relatable stories from their teenage selves. They're the kind of stories that make you laugh out loud and exclaim "that's so true!" and suddenly you don't feel so weird/crazy/alone. Mindy's own tales had me giggling and rolling my eyes as I remembered just how important high school and high school related events seemed to us all at the time, as if we were all living a version of the famous song "Jack & Diane":

"Are you kidding me? The thrill of living was high school? Come on, Mr. Cougar Mellencamp. Get a life."

Ooh Mindy, preach it girl.

The book is divided up into a number of bigger sections and then again into a bunch of smaller, cuter, sections. This worked out fine for me once I got used to it as I just didn't expect there to be so many mini-essays among the essays. At first I found the flow to be a bit jarring - we'll be reading about her fondness for Irish goodbyes one minute and then jump into a chapter about how "hooking up is confusing" the next, so yes it's a bit all over the place which did bring my own rating down a bit.

Despite the over-all jumpiness of the book, the hilarious essays often made up for it, some notable ones being "I Forget Nothing: A Sensitive Kid Looks Back," and "I Love New York And It Likes Me Okay," and "Hollywood: My Good Friend Who Is Also A Little Embarrassing." Those titles alone have some pretty amazing potential for a stand-alone.
I particularly enjoyed "Types of Women in Romantic Comedies Who Are Not Real" and "Non-Traumatic Things That Have Made Me Cry" (this last one had me fist-pumping in agreement like crazy, especially over our shared love for the A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack...the tears are real people!).

Basically, I could go on and on but I have definitely already over-stayed my welcome on this one. You get it. This book is funny.

My fan-girlish and favourable review aside, I'm only giving this book 3.5 stars. Out of the whole thing, I really only loved a handful of the essays, while the rest of them fell a little flat and felt a bit forced, like she was just filling in pages with random thoughts (hilarious yes, but random).

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Review: Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)

Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just under one week has passed since I finished Crown of Midnight and in the mean time I've been frantically listening to the audio book for Heir of Fire in preparation for the release of Queen of Shadows. Although my initial reaction of shock and excitement to COM has slightly subsided, I'm still quite heavily invested in the characters and the story and stand by my rating of 5 stars.

Here's why:

Sarah J. Maas has completely changed my mind not only about her ability as a writer and story-teller, but also of the quality and necessity of the story being told. Now, I say "necessity" because just one book prior, Throne of Glass, I was completely unconvinced and quite annoyed that yet another author was writing a supposed "fantasy" or even "high fantasy" that feels so much like yet another angsty love story merely disguised as fantasy - to me, there was more jealousy and love triangles than actual world-building, magic and lore, not to mention a lack of character development. I had enjoyed it enough to give TOG 3 stars, but had little hope for the following books.

It took months for me to finally pick up Crown of Midnight, I just hadn't cared enough for the characters to find out what happened next. But with the release of the fourth book approaching and everyone's excited banter I decided to give the series another shot.

I was blown away.

It starts off slow, building steadily, as piece after piece of information about the pasts and carefully guarded secrets of the characters are revealed. Motives are discussed and explored, the plot becomes more and more tangled and hard to predict. Throughout I felt a growing dread and tension as we learn just what is at stake for everyone should the King of Adarlan succeed. I grew to love and respect Celaena, to cheer and root for Chaol, and to fear for and worry over Dorian and Nehemia.

All of the missing pieces from TOG--the lack of a developed world and magic and the backstories to many of the main characters--were presented with such detail and care in COM, much to my relief. It's not like I enjoy giving books less-than favorable ratings nor did I want to knock Maas's writing before - I genuinely want to enjoy each book I read and try to find the good in everything. So, not surprisingly with all the hype surrounding TOG I was definitely disappointed. There was potential, for sure, but little else to hold my interest.

I could not be happier to say that Crown of Midnight is an excellent book. It took me on a wild ride through darkened tunnels and dungeons where monsters lurk, through to the highest ecstasies of love and passion, and down again into the depths of utter despair of loss. Magic explodes off the pages, friendships are cemented and then broken. Each chapter is built upon the next and an entire world is opened up before us.

I am thrilled that Maas has changed my mind and stolen my heart for this series. In one book she managed to convince me that her writing is worth 5 stars instead of 3. It is beautifully and lovingly written, the detail thoughtful and the characters so wonderfully real. This is also what I mean when I say above that this story is a "necessity" because that is how this story feels to me, like it is necessary. The story truly leaps off the page and demands to be both written and read. I adore this world and these characters and I will definitely be finishing this series.
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Review: Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance

Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday ElegancePolish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance by Jennifer L. Scott
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

*1.5 Stars*

It's a good thing that I only borrowed this from the library, as I would have been quite disappointed had I bought it instead! I've read Scott's previous two books and enjoyed both, however this one fell flat for me.

Lessons from Madame Chic, Scott's first book, is part-memoir-part-how-to-guide centered around her time living abroad with a host family in Paris, France when she was young and the "lessons" that her host mother, "Madame Chic," taught her about being a confident, self-actualized, and poised young lady 'the French way.' In her second book At Home with Madame Chic, Scott expands upon her first book and demonstrates how she uses the lessons she learned while in Paris in her now Californian home as a wife and new mother, with plenty more 'how-to's' on running a smooth home while remaining always 'chic'. While not at all revolutionary in content and a bit on the preachy side, both are an easy, light read and her stories about living in Paris are entertaining if you can look past the 1950's house-wife aspect that appears in each. I am by no means a supporter of such clearly gendered roles in the home, nor do I consider myself 'chic' or 'posh' in any way, but she means well and I've kept on with her books due to my love of all things French.

However in reading her third book, I may just have to call it quits on Scott. Her material is already stretched pretty thin in her second book, and now with the third, I feel like I just re-read books one and two. Not only that, but it reads like an early 19th-century etiquette book for girls - complete with lists of "DO's" and "DON'TS" at the dinner table or while entertaining friends, how to eat particularly difficult foods like artichokes and spaghetti, and (perhaps most adamantly) to NEVER wear lounge-wear when at home. I get it - wearing pj's in public is lazy, but if I want to change into my comfy pants when I get home...I'm going to do it!

So, like I said, Scott means well in her quest to "elevate the arts" and rid the world of the slovenly-dressed, poorly-mannered heathens (which is how I believe she'd say it, not me), but I also couldn't help but think while reading this last book in particular that although we could all use a little reminder in how to be polite humans, there are far more pressing matters in the world that actually need our attention, non?

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Review: Lady Midnight

Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1)Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

*2.5 stars* My rating just keeps going down...
There is too much to talk about with this book and everyone has already said it all a million times over and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn (right now), so I'm leaving it at this:

I thought this was an adequate opener to a new series, and I enjoyed being back in the Shadowhunter world again. I love the Blackthorn children the most, Julian second, and Christina before Emma. Yes she is strong and sassy but she is also compulsively getting herself into bad/stupid/dangerous situations (especially the ending, what is she thinking??!) <-- Mark isn't that much better in that final decision come to think of it, but I digress. I didn't enjoy the overly dramatic writing or the super-sappy, 'sexy' scenes - to me they were overwritten and awkward and too much. How is it that kissing someone is always some version of the earth shattering or splitting open or the stars aligning. I also didn't like the "Perfect Diego" parts AT ALL. We got it, the first 30 times, that he is "Perfect Diego." Even in serious scenes he's known to everyone as "Perfect Diego," oh my goodness please stop. Oh, and what is with all the boys these days having faces that are "all sharp angles and lines"...WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! They must have very bony faces, all these YA boys. How is that fun to kiss? Wouldn't it hurt, getting jabbed in the eye by a bony, angular cheekbone? What's wrong with a nice round, soft face? Can we get a heck yea for all the round-faced folks out there?! Also, the story itself didn't seem all that compelling to me, I mean, the main plot-line, the whole reason for their struggles, didn't hold much weight in my opinion. It felt like background noise to all the romance-y angst and lust and scheming going on between everyone, sort of like elevator music - it's there, you recognize the tune, but you can't put your finger on it. ALSO I know everyone pees their pants when Clary or Jace or Tessa or Jem show up, even at the mere mention of their names, but I reallllllly felt like it was all forced, again, and just...cheesy!!! Okay I better stop now or I am going to go overboard.

Let's end on a nice comment shall we? Other than all the stuff I have said above, the story moved along at a decent pace (still about 150-200 pages too long, maybe cut out some "Perfect Diego's") and I thought Clare did a great job characterizing everyone, including the secondary characters, so she is getting better at something. There, that was sort of nice at least.

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Review: I Was Here

I Was HereI Was Here by Gayle Forman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After having a few days to let this story sink in, I'm sticking with my original rating of 4. I think I was feeling a little emotionally vulnerable when I first finished it which likely clouded my judgement.

The truth is that I usually stay away from books with such a heavy subject matter - it's not that I'm afraid to read a book about depression, suicide and grief, I just have a pretty good hunch that it's a tricky subject to write about and so I'd rather not chance it by reading a book that deals with it poorly...if that makes any sense. These subjects are dear to my heart and I want to know I'm reading from an author whom I can trust. Anyway I had heard so many great things about Gayle Forman's other books that I decided to give her a try, so this is my first time reading her work.

For me, one of the strengths of this book lies in how well Forman portrays the overwhelming, bottomless grief that comes with losing someone so close to you - especially when it is a young life cut short. I could feel Cody's grief coming off the page, feel her frustration and confusion, her desire to understand her best friend Meg's decision to end her life and in turn her obsession to uncover the truth, any truth, to why she chose suicide.

With each new frightening realization about Meg, whom Cody thought she had known like a sister, she goes through some extremely disturbing and terrifying moments herself, visiting places in the darkest parts of her mind that have her question her own existence and sanity. I loved that Forman went there with Cody, that she has her go through these moments of asking oneself 'what is the point to anything, to life?' and that she allowed Cody to explore those questions that we all, at some point, have asked ourselves. It's such an honest, vulnerable process that we witness Cody going through as she grieves not only Meg but also the person who Cody believed she was, and I really, really enjoyed the sensitivity that went into creating these characters.

The romance involving Cody and Ben did not bother me as much as it seems to have bothered some others. I was a little disappointed when Ben was introduced and right away Cody notices his crazy blues eyes and pretty face - of course I knew that a romance was to ensue but honestly I felt that their relationship developed slowly and realistically enough that I wasn't totally turned off. Despite the road trip that they take together and everything else that happens, I felt that their relationship took more of a back-seat to the bigger picture of what was going on in the book. Their romance felt like more of a tool through which to help both Cody and Ben grieve and heal together, as these things do happen in real life, so again, not such an unrealistic aspect of the story for me.

Overall this was exactly the kind of emotional, sensitive contemporary that I was looking for when I picked it up. I am a convert of Gayle Forman and I'll definitely be checking out other books by her in the near future.

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Review: Never Never

Never Never: Part Two (Never Never, #2)Never Never: Part Two by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a bit of a difficult "book" to review as it's really only one part of a whole. If I were to try and review this as a standalone book then I'd say that it has done it's job of keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout! Silas' anxiety leaps off the page as he desperately searches for answers to his and Charlie's recurrent memory loss, not to mention his search for Charlie herself before their memories are erased in 48 hours. Each new clue he uncovers only leads to more questions - questions that continue to mount faster than they can be answered in the short amount of time he has, all adding to an overwhelming atmosphere rife with suspense and dread as time ticks down to that final minute, those final seconds...until I read the line "to be continued."

If I were to compare the two parts separately so far, I'd say that I enjoyed Part One more in terms of the initial build-up of suspense and mystery surrounding their memory loss. I feel that both Silas' and Charlie's desperation and anxiety in this impossible situation that they find themselves in is felt so much more in Part One than Part Two, even despite the fact that Charlie is M.I.A. in Part Two. Obviously the mystery surrounding her whereabouts adds to the overall sense of dread and confusion of the story, especially for Silas as he basically flies solo in trying to find her, yet I still feel that Part Two is weaker in terms of keeping up that same level of suspense that I felt in Part One. Or maybe it's because the two parts are separated that I feel a decided lack of suspense in Part Two, as I had to try to dive back into the same feelings that I had forgotten about previously.

Perhaps if the parts were instead complied together as one I might change my mind about the coherence of their story and how it flows...I'm left simply imagining how I might react if this were the case and so I'm guessing that I would feel a more sustainable thread of fear and emotion towards these characters throughout had it instead been one book. The thing is that it's hard to jump back into their story and into that feeling of "eep, what's happening next!?" when it's been a while in between the parts and I do think that I'll feel the same way once Part Three is released. Also, this time around I found it harder to believe Silas' love for Charlie even though he keeps saying he just sort of "knows" he loves her...I mean all he has to go on this time when he "wakes up" are the letters explaining their unending love without a physical Charlie around and it just doesn't feel as compelling or realistic to me without them actually being face to face.

In the same situation, how would any one of us react?? (And yes I know this is completely a work of fiction!!) But still, IF this happened to you, would you blindly believe these letters and go it alone or would you turn yourself into the police or a crazy hospital? That's one question I kept asking myself and I'm still not quite sure of the answer. Either way, although the story is incredibly interesting and I do want to figure out how it ends, I'm just not sure I can follow or accept how believable the character's reactions are each time. Well, aside from Charlie because I'm pretty sure I'd do exactly what she does in order to find my own answers!

So despite some reservations I do think it is well written and I will be reading the last one just to find out how it ends. There is enough of a cliffhanger (again) that it's kind of hard not to be curious. Though it might have been wiser to wait for all three to be released and read them all at once!

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Review: Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm lowering my initial rating of 4.5-4.75 down to a solid 4. This means that I still loved Heir of Fire but not in a blew-me-away-amazing-new-favourite kind of way.

Like many, Crown of Midnight had me on the edge of my seat from page one. I dove straight into Heir of Fire after finishing COM with the expectation that this fast-paced, action-packed fantasy would only get better. And in some ways it does. In others, I found it lacking.

Sarah J. Maas truly outdoes herself with the quality of her writing in this third book. Compared to Throne of Glass and even COM, she has certainly come into her own style and has definitely honed her craft to feature her strongest abilities, ie. a beautiful descriptive prose throughout coupled with authentic, strong voices for her most fleshed-out characters. That being said, with the addition of multiple POV's and the introduction of a number of new characters, at times it feels that some previous characters suffer at the hands of the newer ones.

For example Dorian, with whom I've never really connected (sorry ladies), could have benefited from a better story-line considering he has his own POV. Sure he gets to run around with Sorscha and we see him struggle a little here and there with his power (both literally and figuratively), yet there is a decided lack of a character-arc or growth. He's still the same Dorian, kind of lazy, kind of wishy-washy, cannot stand up for himself or to his father, refuses to accept who he is, seeks comfort in others and ignores taking action--you get the picture. Yes he's always been flawed and that's okay if it adds to the story or if he eventually has some kind of character growth, but I feel that Dorian's POV almost feels non-essential to the plot - as if Chaol or someone else could have shown us what was happening with Dorian through their eyes and it would have had the same effect on the story overall. I expected more from Dorian and so I am left disappointed.
[[I felt the same with Sorscha, whose character and POV does not add to or aid the plot except to play as an anchor or crutch for more of Dorian's suffering]].

Another character who suffers in my mind is Chaol. I've liked him from book one and have always felt that his loyalty and objective way of viewing the world has played well against Celaena's own wild and blood-rimmed, often brash, way of viewing the same. As a team, they're great--he helps her keep her head on straight and her feet solidly on the ground, while she in turn instills a sense of urgency and stirs the much-needed rebellious spirit in him to take action. Yet when they are apart, these two sort of fall...apart. I'm not sure if it was Maas' intention to have so fundamentally changed Chaol from who he is in the previous two books to now. I feel that Chaol really loses his balance in this book and becomes totally flat as character...perhaps because of Celaena's absence or perhaps not. When he is finally the most helpful it takes up all of a few pages throughout the whole book and always comes too late and when the stakes are already too high. His POV bothers me to no end and again, maybe that is intentional, but if it is I want to know for what purpose.

Where Maas' writing does shine is with Celaena. She goes through an amazing transformation that leaves me feeling so proud and so hopeful for the future of Erilea. Without giving too much away, Celaena falls and falls into the depths of despair, self-hate and guilt only to build herself back up again as the woman she truly is meant to be, with all of the power and bad-ass reputation that has always been a part of her. She is an inspirational character, to say the least, and with the help of new character Rowan (a fierce and unrelentingly stoic warrior fae-prince), she goes through the much needed and much appreciated character-arc to end all character-arcs. I loved, loved, loved her chapters the most of any in this book. Maas has done an incredible job of creating this beautiful, strong, deeply sympathetic character who is so redeemable and full of life. I'm happy to say that I have completely changed my mind from book one as far as Celaena is concerned.

Watching Celaena and Rowan's unlikely friendship grow from rocky to rock-solid filled my heart. He is exactly the kind of man Celaena needs in her life when she can no longer rely on Chaol, Dorian, or even herself. He's a jerk, for sure, but then again so is she at times, and the two play off of each other like fire and ice, forcing one another to come to terms with their disturbing, dark pasts before then encouraging each other to look to their futures straight on. He is by far the best 'love-interest' for her to date and I look forward to getting to know him better. He doesn't try to stifle Celaena, to change her or cage her, and he isn't afraid of her. He is the only one capable and willing to force her into the darkest corners of herself and push her enough so that she is faced with every terrible deed she has ever done, and in turn he is the only one who teaches her to forgive herself. He helps her grow immensely and I seriously love these two.

I will quickly add that Manon's POV was interesting and I actually did enjoy having another completely unrelated view of the game plan - especially the POV of one of the 'baddies' so to speak. Despite her evil witchiness I still like her and I'm pretty sure I'll continue to like her into the next books.

For some people the length of Heir of Fire is bothersome and I have to say that I agree. In general I never shy away from thick books, but considering what I've said above about the non-essential POV's and the fact that there is a lot of descriptive prose and it is much, much slower paced overall...I do think that this book could have been shaved down by at least a hundred pages or more. Like I've said before, if there is a real point to all the writing and it's not just for show or filler or for the author's desire to exercise their own creative license to the detriment of the plot etc. than there's probably no real need for such length. It does feel like a 'middle' book, a stepping stone to the next and the next, and that isn't necessarily a good thing.

Just looking at the size of book four I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that from here on out we should probably expect fairly dense books to finish off the series.

Overall though, a wonderful story and I do plan on reading the next!

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Review: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeThe Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow. This book is an incredible mixture of both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I'm blown away by how much this story has moved me. I am in awe of the difficulty, the pain, the struggle, and the paralyzing fear that Christopher went through in order to solve not only the mystery of "Who Killed Wellington?," the neighbour's dog, but also that of his recently deceased mother.

Mark Haddon has seized my brain and shaken it all up, leaving me feeling grateful for the normal life that I lead and yet also terrible for not having realized, to this detailed extent, the difficulty in living life with Asperger's. I've never met anyone with Asperger's, although my grandmother, being a High school art teacher, has had many kids with special needs over the years, so I could at least recognize some of Christopher's unique traits. But honestly, none of that prepared me to feel as emotionally attached as I did with his journey, to the point where I found myself anxiously turning page after page in order to find out as fast as I could whether he finally made it out of his incredible adventure safely!

I will say that I wasn't completely sold on the book when I first began reading it. I found the narrative style a bit hard to get into as it's told completely in Christopher's POV, which is unique in that he speaks either in very short, curt sentences or in long winded paragraphs, both highly logical and 'matter-of-fact' and at times almost robot-like, often repeating himself. Obviously this is on purpose and it lends a believable voice to how a person with Asperger's actually speaks, thinks and rationalizes. After I got used to his way of thinking I found the story to hum along quite easily and smoothly. He is incredibly intelligent and treats us to many mathematical and scientific facts throughout that sure interested me! His view of the world, including life and death, the human brain, the universe and the eventual extinction of humankind was eerie and yet so true and practical that I was fascinated right through to the end with his examples and unique perspective.

Christopher's relationship with his parents broke my heart and yet this aspect is what really drove the whole story home for me. I love that even though we are seeing his parent's through his eyes, we as the audience are able to discern through what they say to him and their gestures that he observes that they truly love him and care so deeply for his safety and his well-being. The subtext of what they say or do may usually be lost on Christopher but it is certainly not lost on us. I cannot even imagine the true struggle and frustration that his parents, or any parents of a child with special needs, have to go through. Of course as a reader we may not agree with everything that his parents do - both his father and mother lose it a bit and make some rash, irreversible decisions that have quite damaging consequences - but having never been in their situation I can't say that I would be any better at coping. This story and these characters will stay with me for quite some time.

If you at all enjoy mystery, humour, true-to-life struggles and a realistic look into the lives of those living with or caring for someone with unique abilities, then this will likely do the trick.

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Review: Un Peu de Paris

Un peu de ParisUn peu de Paris by Jean-Jacques Sempé
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely adore this collection of cartoons by one of my favourite authors/cartoonists, Sempé.

Although I have read this folio a number of times, each time I open it again I cannot help but smile in wonder at each new detail I find within these illustrations. Sempé perfectly captures the essence of Paris in these playful yet poignant drawings of everyday life, often with true Sempé-esque satirical humour. Anyone who has ever traveled to the French capital will both love and long for quaint café terraces, markets, baguettes, and the ever-beautiful Eiffel Tower.

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Review: Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I would give this a 2.5 stars out of 5 but I'm giving it a 3 based on the hopes that after reading the next two in the series my opinions may change...

SO Throne of Glass already has a million opposing reviews and I definitely stayed away from it for this long because likewise it came with a mountain of expectations that I feared it would not live up to (I've had this happen to me Daughter of Smoke and Bone ). I finally caved when I saw that these books are on almost every YA fan's 'best of 2014' lists and that Maas' next novel is on everyone's radar as well.

Call me easily persuaded, call me a good old fashioned bandwagoner, but I thought I'd give it a chance.

The Awesome:

The map. Upon seeing the Tolkien-esque map of Erilea in the front of the book I immediately felt a twinge of excitement. Nothing gets me going quite like a clearly mapped out world that I can use to follow the characters along their journey. So that was cool.

Celaena's bad-assery, which I thought was set up quite well within the first line actually: "After a year of slavery in the Salt Mines of Endovier, Celaena Sardothien was accustomed to being escorted everywhere in shackles and at sword-point." Ooooo yes, the world's most deadly assassin, so dangerous that the mere whisper of her name sends shivers down people's spines. I'm hooked! Keep it coming.

Captain Chaol Westfall. Quiet, moral, complex (if only because we never really get a fleshed out sense of who he is other than the captain of the guard with a mysterious past he won't talk much about). Of course the minute he was introduced I knew he'd be a love interest. So that was pretty obvious. Despite the fact that we don't get a lot out of Chaol other than how Celaena views him, I like his character. He just seems like a good, upstanding young man who is rightfully scared shitless of the world's most deadliest assassin . Also it seems like he gives good hugs. Go Chaol!

Nehemia. She is kick-ass. I won't go into too many details because you know, spoilers, but I will say that she surprised me and I would have liked a view into what was going on in HER mind some of the time. She's a sneaky one.

The magic / Wyrdmarks / otherworldiness. The build-up of the different worlds was interesting, and kept me intrigued enough to keep reading on. However I must add that it was not as fleshed out or clearly explained as I would have seemed magical things happened out of convenience's sake or to help move the story along instead of helping to make the story better.


The Not So Awesome:

Like I said, the magical aspect of the story could have been so much more. Some parts genuinely freaked me out, dismembered bodies included, but it lacked the depth that I was looking for. In the story, magic and the Fae have been almost entirely eradicated from the land years before, and people are quick to avoid even speaking of magic, let alone use it if they can. But that's pretty much where we're left on the whole 'magic is forbidden' topic. I assume (and hope) that magic becomes more of a main aspect of the story in the following books.

Celaena. Notice above how I wrote that Celaena's 'bad-assery' is awesome, but not her as a character. Now yes, I have read other's reviews on this same topic, I have read how we have to take it easy on her because she is 'only 18' and 'can't an assassin also like pretty clothes and make-up and admire herself in a mirror?' etc etc. Yes this is all true, but that's not exactly the problem. The fact is, the first two or three chapters lead us to believe that she is so deadly, so dangerous, and so unpredictable that she needs to be constantly watched and escorted around by a group of guards, including the captain of the guard himself, in order to keep an eye on her. Yet she does nothing, the entire book, to prove that she is any more of a threat than any other 18 year old girl who is at all physically fit or agile! Other than plotting how she would stab this guard or slash that guard's throat or slice this other guard's legs off, slip through the gates and escape...she doesn't do any of it. She remains captive in the castle, bemoaning her situation, floating around in her flowing dresses and curled hair, hating Dorian and Chaol one minute but swooning over them the next, and despite the fact that she doesn't really have anything super important keeping her in the castle (other than the aforementioned boys and Nehemia), she stays. Am I wrong in suggesting that if she were so super smart and deadly and a world-renowned assassin who actually hated the King so much she couldn't just go after him and finish the job? Am I ruthless? Should I stop now? Okay I will.
But then again, when looking back over what I've written above about her, Celaena's character likely frustrates so many and leaves all of us divided because we come into this story with the expectation that she will be this great, confident, ruthless woman who kills for a living and doesn't have the emotional ability to feel butterflies in her stomach when a cute boy appears, or to pine over her lack of a close female friend to confide in, or to care for an unwanted puppy who will be killed would she not take it in this sense I was surprised in what I found in Celaena's character. Whether this was intentional on Maas' behalf or not in her creation of Celaena, we learn early on that Celaeana is just a typical 18 year old girl with all the same teenage angst who happens to kill people for a living.

Last but not least, the Crown Prince, Dorian. He is achingly beautiful and a known womaniser, but we are to love him anyway because he likes books (not war), is surprisingly sweet, and he connects with Celaena over their shared love of reading, eventually only having eyes for her. You get the picture. A predictable sequence of events between them ensue. Yet there is a twist in the end that surprised even me! So that counts for something.

Just a quick mention about the love triangle that is so recurrent and abundant in YA novels - yes there is one, but no it's not quite as satisfying or frustrating as you'd expect. (Good? Bad?)

Overall, this was not such a bad read, regardless of how it appears in what I've written above. However the story is almost entirely predictable; early on, in fact very early on, I had figured out what was going on with whom and why...(not bragging or anything, I just knew!) but I still enjoyed the story enough to keep reading it and even found myself stealing quick moments here and there to read a few more pages when I could because despite all of the let-downs in the assassin department I wanted to know how everyone ended up.

I will probably get the next two books...if only so I can see if Celaena finally lives up her to her Voldemort-like status (because, you know, people can't even say her name without she must be scary...). But I definitely won't be rushing to the store.

I would recommend this to any fan of YA fantasy / romance. Be warned, like I said it's a tad predictable and the synopsis is deceiving as this story reads much more as a YA romance / love triangle that is merely sprinkled here and there with magic and spiced up with fantasy for good measure.

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Review: Soppy: A Love Story

Soppy: A Love StorySoppy: A Love Story by Philippa Rice
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the cutest, loveliest little book! I picked it up yesterday and raced through it in one sitting. Then I re-read it to get a better look at all the adorable pictures and catch things I had missed the first time. This is one of those books that you can go back to every once in a while, read a couple pages, laugh, and then put it down again until the next time you need a little pick-me-up.

It reminded me so much of my own relationship with my boyfriend. Honestly some of the conversations they had were almost word for word!! (Especially the blanket snuggling!) I love this piece of art, because that's really what it is - a beautiful testimony to the small but meaningful parts of relationships that make up the whole, lovey-dovey picture.

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Review: Yes Please

Yes PleaseYes Please by Amy Poehler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If I could I would give this book 10 stars. I seriously, truly, madly, deeply, loved reading every bit of it. I am already a huge fan of Amy's, so call me biased, but I still think anyone who has a smidgen of a sense of humour will enjoy this book. She surprised me with her writing and story-telling ability, not that I don't think she can tell a good story,(because she seriously can, she was born to tell stories) but that it really felt as though she poured her heart and soul into the pages of it...she is truthful, open, unashamed, and completely real. She made me laugh out loud countless times, but she also brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart during the more serious and difficult-to-write-about topics (because there are some serious topics in there! It's not all fun and games folks!).

If it were at all possible (and it is) I actually love her more as an artist and a human being after reading her book. When it says on the back of her book that "in a perfect world we'd get to hang out with Amy Poehler," I wholeheartedly agree...we could be best friends...for real...just saying. Okay I will stop. Just go read it. NOW.

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Review: Fangirl

FangirlFangirl by Rainbow Rowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I have to get out all of my own 'fangirling' by saying that I loved, loved, loved, this book. The characters are as real to me as my own fingers typing this sentence. Rowell has done a wonderful job of bringing these unique characters to life, delicately weaving their sorrows and triumphs with humour and love.

Cath is eerily reminiscent of myself fresh out of high school. Without sounding incredibly cliché, she is so relateable to me that at times I found myself wondering if Rowell somehow followed me around 8 years ago during my awkward transition years from teenager to adult and then wrote a story about it. Now obviously she didn't (or did she?) but that's just how real her story felt to me. From Cath's nervousness around boys, to her outright fear and social anxieties surrounding meeting new people, entering college, and becoming an adult, Cath gets 19 year-old me, and despite my years I still get her.

I couldn't help feeling for Cath as she struggles to navigate her new independence and separation from everything familiar and comfortable: her father, her twin sister, their shared love of Simon Snow and the fan fiction that they wrote together that acted as an aid, healing them from their mother's abandonment years before. Despite the humour and light-heartedness that characters like Reagan and Levi offer, it is the raw, emotional dialogue between Cath and her dad, Wren, and eventually her mother, that truly tugged at my heart and brought this story home.

Another aspect that I really appreciate is how Rowell handles mental illness. Without explicitly naming any disorders, we come to assume that Cath's dad has some form of bipolar or depression, that Wren suffers from an early form of alcoholism, and that Cath herself has some form of social anxiety. I'm not a doctor or a psychologist, but like most people I can say that I've dealt with these illnesses in one shape or another - either personally or by association. Fangirl doesn't shy away from the harsh realities that come in living with a family member who suffers from a mental illness. The pressure that Cath feels to 'keep it together' so that she can help her dad and sister remain stable is heartbreaking and I can relate to the internal struggle that she goes through as she learns how to 'let go' and finally take care of herself. These issues are so sensitive and a lot of the time we see stories attempting to grapple with them but falling short - Fangirl is not one of them. The balance between heavily weighted issues and light works well, adding to the overall roundness of the story.

I am aware that there is a certain lack in plot, the story does not rise to any sort of climax nor is there a real conclusion; however I don't believe that this takes away from enjoyment. The dialogue reads conversationally, smooth and quick. Not to mention hilarious, as in laugh out loud hilarious, especially the dialogue between Levi, Regan, and Cath. I would love to have a friend like Reagan in real life - she is a spunky, holds-nothing-back kind of girl and just what Cath needs to help break her out of her shell. Levi is all smiles, genuine and kind, a believable love interest whom I enjoyed. His open mind and easy outlook on life is contagious and his ability to take Cath, high on anxiety and nerves, and bring her back down to reality is sweet and captures their bond so well.

Memorable quote -- Levi asking Cath to read him some of her Simon Snow fan fiction:

"Come on, Cath, don't you write these stories so that some people can enjoy them?"
"I write them so that people will read them. I'll send you a link."
"Don't send me a link. I'm not much of an Internet person."
Cath felt her eyes get big. She was about to take a sip of her coffee, but stopped. "How do you not like the Internet? That's like saying, 'I don't like things that are convenient. And easy. I don't like having access to all of mankind's recorded discoveries at my fingertips. I don't like light. And knowledge.'"

I highly recommend this witty, heartfelt book to anyone who enjoys YA, Contemporary, New Adult, and quirky 'first love' romances. I know I'll be reading more by Rainbow Rowell in the future!

Happy Reading!
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Review: Open Road Summer

Open Road SummerOpen Road Summer by Emery Lord
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First of all, can I just say that when they're done right, female friendships are amazing!

I'd heard so much buzz surrounding this book and Emery Lord as a contemporary author that although I don't normally read a lot of contemporary, I had to check it out - and yes, I'm glad I did! This story touched my heart and is such a beautiful reminder of all the good, deep, and meaningful female friendships I've had in my own life. The road trip aspect was so much fun and definitely got me excited for summer to arrive!

"Her wings stretch wide, but she's not soaring; her clawed feet are not tucked up against her stomach. She seems...ready. Like she's getting there."

Reagan is such a great character. She has been through hell and back and despite a few major setbacks throughout her difficult life, Reagan has thus far managed to keep it together just enough to persevere, due in large part to the thick, defensive walls she has carefully constructed around her. When we first meet Reagan she is hardened, still recovering from the physical and emotional scars that have finally prompted her to turn her life around. Although she wouldn't readily admit it to herself, Reagan is strong, self-aware, and possesses just enough self-love to actually want to change her life for the better. Her character arc throughout the book is wonderful to witness and I enjoyed watching her navigate through some pretty tricky situations with gusto and an enduring desire to 'do the right thing.'

"It's part of Dee's charm, that every spark is love to her, every first kiss, every tingle of anticipation. Each moment has big possibilities for Dee."

Lilah, or "Dee," is delightful. She is a refreshing mix of sweet, Southern belle and gutsy power-house. I want to be her friend in real life, so so badly. Dee is frighteningly mature for her 17 years (far more than I ever was at her age) and deals with her new-found fame with courage, confidence and an unwavering loyalty not only to her family, friends and fans but most importantly to herself. Dee has lead a charmed life in comparison to Reagan but still has her fare share of growing to do, learning to take the reins on her own life without holding back for all of the 'what-ifs'.

Reagan and Dee have an amazing bond and support each other exactly how best friends should - without back-stabbing, jealousy, gossip or scheming. They are honest-to-goodness true friends and I can't tell you enough how wonderful it was to be a part of their world for a little while.

"I could sink into the Nashville night like a plush lounge chair."

One last note - I think I highlighted every delicious line about the scenery, the big open sky, the cities they visited and especially about Nashville. I am a sucker for descriptive text and Emery Lord delivered. I felt like I could smell and feel the hot, Southern air and wanted to be wrapped up in the same summer warmth like no other!

Overall, this is a great contemporary read with so much to offer. Although I focused my review on Dee and Reagan, there is a lovely romance or two involving swoon-worthy guys as well. There is laughter, love, tears, and enough big open skies to satisfy everyone.

Happy Reading!
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Review: How Much Land Does a Man Need?

How Much Land Does A Man Need?How Much Land Does A Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had never read anything by Tolstoy up to this point, mostly due to my own intimidation in taking on his dense works. I think this little number has been an adequate introduction to Tolstoy, at least as far as his writing style and general view of humankind goes. This small book contains two short stories, "How Much Land Does A Man Need?" and "What Men Live By," both exploring our innate tendency as humans towards greed, pride and envy, as well as our more selfless side as caretakers, givers, and our capacity to love even strangers. Both stories are heavy on Christian morals and the importance of having faith in God.

On the back cover it mentions that James Joyce felt "How Much Land Does A Man Need?" to be "the world's greatest story," a lofty claim indeed. I would only agree with him if what he actually means is the last line of the story, where the 'punch line' occurs, so to speak. I won't spoil it, but that line alone remains timeless, with a relevancy that shines on today.

However, overall the story is predictable and yes, it's preachy. I've read enough of the Classics to be used to this by now, as well the didactic quality that works such as these take on. Yet it surprised me nonetheless in this story and in "What Men Live By," which turns out to be even more heavy-handed with Christian allegory. I think it boils down to me knowing very little about Tolstoy himself other than the titles of his major works and his immense popularity and influence as a Russian writer.

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Review: Black Iris

Black IrisBlack Iris by Leah Raeder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am still reeling from the emotional roller coaster that is this story. Let me repeat, SERIOUS emotional roller coaster. This story has left me feeling raw, used, abused, incredibly sad, and only slightly optimistic as even the ending felt bittersweet to me.

This isn't to say that all these dark feelings have led me to dislike the story - yes at times I just wanted to shut the damn book and be done with it - but something kept pulling me back. Laney's twisted mind began to swirl and mix around in my own and regardless of how the story disturbed me on an emotional level I had to keep reading so I could at least find out whether or not she finally followed through with her plan.

I have great respect for Leah Raeder as an author. She made me think and feel SO MUCH more than I had anticipated. I've never been so moved, physically or mentally, by a story. Her writing is something otherworldly and feral, poetic and lyrical. There are hundreds of lines worth highlighting and quoting and remembering for later. She is a goddess with words.

That said I can't quite give this book 5 stars because although I loved the writing and was moved so thoroughly by the story, I felt almost overwhelmed by the...well by all the sex. Haha. Don't get me wrong, it was highly enjoyable for me the first few times and I really loved the contrasts between when Laney was with Blythe versus with Armin. Both couples are beautiful in their own way and MAN can Leah ever write a sex scene! But nearing the end of the book I just wanted to figure out what the hell was going on with eveyone and all the sex just seemed to get in the way of my finding out!!

Overall a fantastic read though, will be recommending for sure.
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Review: A Step Toward Falling

A Step Toward FallingA Step Toward Falling by Cammie McGovern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Choose carefully the people whose approval you seek."

*4.5 stars*
*Trigger Warning-story deals with an attempted rape* (though my review doesn't go into details).

I enjoyed this story so much more than I expected I would and I'm actually quite sad that it's over. I fell for these characters and each time I had to set the book down I felt myself wondering what was going to happen to them and wishing I could keep reading!

I was definitely apprehensive going into this book as it centers around people with developmental disabilities and how they are not only perceived but also judged for their differences and unique traits by those without disabilities. Having never read anything by Cammie McGovern, my apprehension came from not being sure if she would pull this off sensitively enough and without coming off sounding too preachy, or worse, ignorant. Not only that, but it's set in high school, a notoriously awful place for anyone regardless of who they are thanks to the ever-present social hierarchy between differing groups of students - stories of which I mostly stay away from.

That being said, I read the first few pages and I found that I was easily hooked. The main story-line centers around the aftermath of the attempted rape of Belinda, who has developmental disabilities, at a football game. Amazingly, she saves herself from her attacker by screaming out for help even though just moments before Emily, a 'nerd,' and Lucas, a 'jock,' had both separately seen Belinda struggling with her attacker but had panicked and run from the scene instead of trying to help her. As a punishment for not saying or doing anything, both Lucas and Emily are enrolled into community service to volunteer with a class called Boundaries and Relationships which teaches adults with developmental disabilities how to be in healthy, romantic relationships. Belinda, Lucas, and Emily become intertwined because of that horrific night, and an ugly and unforgivable thing turns into something much more.

What I enjoyed most about this story, aside from the amazing, realistic characters, is how McGovern allows the details of the events of that terrible night to remain in mystery, only to reveal themselves bit by bit. The story unfolds itself slowly and organically, piece by piece, alternating POV's between Emily and Belinda. We start off not knowing exactly what happened that night at the football game, nor do we know why Lucas and Emily panicked and said nothing at all when there was a crowd of people and teachers nearby who they could have gone to for help, but as the story progresses and we start to get to know the characters and what motivates them, we begin to see the bigger picture and just what was on the line for each of them that night.

Because you see, this story isn't only about an attempted rape, nor is it only about people with developmental disabilities; it is also about relationships in general, friendships included, and the complications that arise from following the "social laws" in high school, as Emily calls them. Believing in the stratification of football players and cheerleaders against the book nerds and band geeks, believing that people who are different and slower to learn cannot possibly mingle with those who are not. It's about how dangerous it is to assume that because someone looks and acts a certain way, or differently from you, they are that way and nothing else. It is about a person's depth, rather than their surface (in the case of Lucas and Emily), and their A-bilities rather than their DIS-abilities (for Belinda and Anthony).

"I want everything Debbie has and doesn't appreciate. I want things I can't have because the laws of social stratification in high school might allow us to be friends for a while, but would never permit any more than that...He couldn't sit comfortably at my lunch table any more than I could sit comfortably at his."

I didn't immediately love Emily's character in the beginning because I couldn't get past her immature thought-pattern, until I reminded myself that she's only in high school, 18 at most, and at her age I was completely socially-inept myself. She's self-centered, insecure, and more of a follower than a leader. This isn't to say that all 18-year old girls are this way, but truth be told a lot are least one of these things, if not more. Honestly I learned a lot about myself in reading this story, whether I would have done more than Emily, how I would have reacted in similar situations - thinking back to my teenage self, it's hard to imagine what I'd have done, since I was certainly not my best self back then either. I was always, always aware of and concerned with how others saw me and thought of me, much like Emily. She obsesses over other people's opinions of her, to which my teenage self can totally relate. So it's no wonder that I was annoyed with her at first - I'm still annoyed at myself all these years later for caring so much! Thankfully she has a satisfying character arc and both her and Lucas, who is so sweet and swoony, grow into two very likable people. It just goes to show how well McGovern is able to get into the heads of teenagers and articulate their thoughts realistically if I'm sitting here simultaneously rolling my eyes and yet relating to them as a former teenager myself.

Belinda and Anthony! They are amazing. I truly adore their spirit and bravery. I love how McGovern has written these two characters, as well as Harrison and Sheila and Simon, and all the others! McGovern is a founding member of an after-school program for children with special needs, so she obviously has extensive experience working with people with developmental disabilities. I am happy to say that her knowledge, experience, and careful sensitivity towards writing these characters definitely shows. I never felt like she was somehow making it a gimmick nor did I find her writing of these characters to be unrealistic. Anthony and Belinda's relationship is innocent and honest, and at least to me, completely believable. I loved that I was able witness their own growth and the beauty and simplicity in how they communicate with each other.

"There is a sign saying No Cell Phones in the Hospital. Please Have Your Conversation Outside, which apparently I can read but other people can't."

I truly loved being inside Belinda's head, she is sweet and passionate and super matter-of-fact about things which made me laugh out loud numerous times. It was incredibly and unbelievably sad to witness Belinda's spiral into depression after her attack, especially when the people closest to her felt that the best way to 'deal' with it was to ignore it completely and never let her have a chance to talk about it if she needed to - which, clearly, she did. Suffering from PTSD in general is terrible and scary, let alone when you have a disability like Belinda's, and it was heart wrenching to know why she was feeling and acting the way that she was when she herself couldn't understand it or articulate it.

Belinda's obsessive love for Colin Firth and the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice is endearing, and not surprisingly-I'd say intentionally-many elements of Pride and Prejudice come into play within this story as a whole. Between Belinda and Emily, Lucas and Anthony, and everyone else, no one is exactly how they are perceived to be by others, and being in high school this is especially prevalent as no one says quite what they mean for fear of standing out and looking weird. There are a lot of learning curves along the way, and much like Jane Austen's classic, it is only when the characters allow themselves to be vulnerable and reveal themselves fully that they are able to make true connections with each other.

This review is so long! And I could go on and on - I'm not sure I could quite articulate why exactly this story has left such an impression on me that I need to write so much other than that I was moved emotionally, it made me think outside of my comfort zone, and I would love to know some of these characters in real life.

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Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It's taken me way too long to actually sit down and write this review, either for lack of motivation or lack of interest in the book itself, so I apologize in advance if it reads a bit disjointed as I work through the few things that I still remember from finishing it last month!

Growing up, Beauty and the Beast was one of my all-time favorite Disney movies and since ACOTAR is definitely written as a pro-Disney version of the classic tale (albeit with steamy sexy times throughout) I figured that this fact coupled with the dazzling Sarah J. Maas would make for a potentially great combination.

Not so much.

I was not at all 'dazzled' by Maas' writing this time around like I have been while reading her Throne of Glass series. Granted if history repeats itself, which certainly it does, this may just turn out to be me eating my words once again because I greatly disliked Throne of Glass but absolutely adored the following books in the series! That being said, the next book really would have to blow my mind to make me want to continue reading on about Feyre, Tamlin, and Rhysand because at this point I'm not into it (I WOULD read on about sassy Lucien however, he's the only good thing going!).

Actually, as I write this I'm remembering a thought I had while reading ACOTAR that overall the story, specifically certain incidents and scenes that shall remain in mystery to avoid spoilers all feels SO much like the Twilight series to me that once I made the connection in my head I couldn't let it go. I'm sorry, but I have to go there people! For those of you who have read know what I'm talking about, come on, you do! The whole ending with Feyre and her constant whining and crying throughout and always putting herself down for being 'ignorant' and 'only a dumb human'...not to mention that it is...kind of boring. Nothing really happens for the entire first half of the book! Save for an excellently written first chapter (I was instantly hooked, so ominous!), the rest of the story falls flat for me. I couldn't grow to care for any of the characters, and the baddies are nothing special or unique. Both of Feyre's 'punishments' or bargains aren't as absolutely, life-endingly dreadful as she makes them out to be, and without a good cliff-hanger to make me even the slightest bit curious for the next book it's unlikely that I'll pick it up.

Sorry, I just couldn't drink the Kool-Aid this time, Maas.

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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Review: Uprooted

UprootedUprooted by Naomi Novik
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Will you come into the Wood with me?"

If I could go back in time and read this book again like it was the first time, I would, simply because it is that good. Uprooted will be the book that I recommend to everyone who loves fantasy, hell to everyone in general, for the rest of the year. Hands down favourite book I've read in a long, long time.

"There should have been endless birds singing in those branches, and small animals gathering fruits. Instead there was a deep strange stillness. The river sang on quietly, but nothing else moved here; nothing else lived."

Oh me, oh my. The Dragon. Agnieszka. Kasia. Marek. The Wood. Magic. Folklore. Blood. Beasts. Love. Loss. The Summoning.

I'm not sure what I could say to really do this beautifully written story justice and entice you to read it, certainly not without sounding quite incoherent and over the top...but this story makes me feel over the top! It has swept me up into a tizzy and hasn't let me go. You could say that the Wood has left me a little corrupted and enchanted (ha ha! bad joke).

Ahh but in all seriousness, Uprooted is a truly special story. Even as I look back through the pages while I write this, re-reading my favourite passages, I am once again enchanted by Novik's way with words and her power as a weaver of tales that feel at once familiar and comfortable, like I've always known these characters as my own kin and the Wood as something to fear.

"I wanted to rub handprints through his dust."

Everything within this story unfolds slowly and organically, a running theme throughout that ties our own emerging understanding of the dangerous Wood and magic and the mysterious Dragon to that of Agnieszka's. There was not one moment where I thought something could have been any better - well, maybe a tad more romance - which surprised even me as I am usually not the one to say "more romance please!" That said, I thought that the relationship between the Dragon and Agnieszka was perfection - a slow building up, like an ember in a fire, long-burning underneath the story while we're carried away to far lands and castles and creatures that do much more than bump in the night.

This is not your average fantasy. Nor is it your average love story. It's a bit of both, but it's also a journey of self-discovery, a collection of folktales and songs, of murmurings and spells, pain and death, and ultimately of sacrifice.

I adored every minute of it.

Originally posted at A Bookish Occasion

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